Palm Tree Symbolism in Custom Oil Painting Composition - Part 3

Healthy Trees Tell Us To Grow

When you see a tree in an oil painting, that tree "speaks" to your unconscious unknowing mind. I am here to tell you what it is saying. The sight of that tree reveals sundry tokens.

One of the tokens shown by trees has to do with the concept of "growth," or more specifically, the idea of psychological or spiritual growth.

At first, I had not read many resources that consider "growth" as an artistic theme. The word "growth," as used in the above manner, had always left me with the feeling that I did not quite understand the meaning of the writer. Finally, after tens of years, I bothered to look up the meaning of the word as used in a psychological or spiritual manner.

Definition of Psychological And Spiritual Growth

The definition that I found equates growth with understanding, and lack of growth equates with confusion.

So, by that, a healthy tree may signify the abilities that accompany a growth in understanding. To see a healthy tree invites the looker to grow in understanding. To grow in understanding increases our abilities and our ability.

What Abilities Do We Get When Our Understanding Grows?

Here let us pause and think about "what abilities come with a growth in understanding?"

If we understand more, we become more able, yes? Able to do what? I am not going to list all the abilities that come to us when we improve our understanding. Instead, I would like you to take a moment and think of them before you read the rest of this article.

Should We Add Trees To Our Composition?

"Understanding" would include mental, spiritual, and supernatural understanding, any or all. Now we can see that, if a custom oil painting is among our gift ideas, then we would do well to find or to design a painting that shows a healthy tree.

If it is a portrait, even from a photo, you can tell the painting artist to add a healthy tree if there is not one already in the composition.

What About Decrepit Or Leafless Trees?

A dead tree would tell the viewer to be totally confused. A withered tree may tell him to be rigid in his thinking, without heartfelt understanding. We would not want such trees to appear in oil painting made for those about whom we care.

Should the Tree Be Climbable?

A tree that is being climbed tells the viewed to achieve his/her career goals and to reach to a high place among his/her peers.

The easier the tree seems to be able to climb, the faster the observer is told to achieve his/her goals and to attain that high place. Therefore, a climber would be a good symbol to add in original paintings that could be used as anniversary gifts or for other occasions.

What About Gifts of Fine Art Paintings That Show Fallen Trees?

A tree that is cut down, or is being cut down, tells the looker to waste his time and his money. Moreover, it tells him to be sexually afraid or guilty.

A tree that falls tells the looker to be disjointed from his/her surroundings and to be out of balance. It tells him/her to take a misleading path. In otherwords, we truly would not care much for the recipient of our gifts if we were to give art drawings or paintings that display a tree that is falling or has fallen.

Can You Add Any New Understanding To This?

We ought to look at our own intuition to see what lore we might add in our understanding of what a tree means to a viewer who observes a piece of art work.

What You Will Find In The Next Section

In the next section of this series of observations, we will learn what the image of a palm tree says to a viewer in terms of how to feel when he/she sees one in a custom oil painting gift.

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Go ahead and explore the topic of Custom Oil Painting by clicking on the link.

Or learn some eye-opening ideas about Art Oil Paintings

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