Photoshop Image Masking is a Quick Fix for Dark Pictures

In the darkroom only one photograph could be processed or corrected at a time. Today the digital options make one editor on many kinds of images. A layer mask can be applied efficiently or a simple single mask covers a host of problems. When a photographer takes a picture he may focus on one aspect and forget something else. And after the snapshot is taken, nothing can be done. But if the imperfection is clear then the editor in the studio can handle it. Contrast is one feature that tends to get distorted in the process. It can be fixed and once it is done, the image can get back its beauty. It is not just a cosmetic modification but also a proper way of enhancing the look of the elements. One of the highlights is that for a contrast fix there is no need to use any selection. In the event a picture is under exposed it can be fixed in no time.

It begins by duplicating the layer behind. The duplicate layer is processed starting with the layer palette. The focus is on the areas that have the darkness. While the process is on the image turns into B &W. The negative section is now to be tackled. The next line of action is to check the opacity. Adjusting this feature brings the darkness towards light suitably. The smart filters are then pressed into action. As the palette appears next on the menu the blur and Gaussian blur are adjusted. This is done to add crispness to the image. At this stage the editor will check the work. If it looks good in the preview he will move on. Once this is fixed he will check if any other tools or effects are needed.

Photoshop Image masking is a quick fix but it will need further action too. To adjust the contrast the color mask or several layers may be required for the effect. The after effects are one feature that is the latest way being used by many graphic designers. They are able to change the flat 2 D pictures into amazing 3D digital artwork. Then it becomes a dynamic way to add more vibrancy to the visual. Many graphic editors are able to utilize this tool and technique to make better digital images. A host of clients are benefitted with this fixture. Advertisers use it for promotional activities on CDs, brochures, covers, and digital art. Different backgrounds are made to promote various products and events are announced with power packed posters.

Today the challenge lies for both for editors and their clients. They need to be ready with new ways to keep their customers interested. Fixing contrast is just one technology that is useful in photo processing. Today photographers themselves have come a long way-from the darkness they have emerged into light. If a simple contrast can be fixed on the editing table there is a lot more work than awaits the skills of a genuine photo editor.

Atiqur Sumon Photo I am the owner and Chief Executive, SEO & DTP Expert of Outsource Experts Ltd. which is an offshore graphic studio providing all types of photo treatment services from a low cost region. Atiqur Sumon
CEO of Outsource Experts Ltd.
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Atiqur Sumon has published 169 articles. Article submitted on May 16, 2013. Word count: 500

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