The Birth of Venus is a masterpiece which was created by Botticelli in 1487. Under the strict ideological control in the medieval, the beautiful goddess Venus in the Greek and Roman mythology was considered as the pagan siren and was damaged. In the renaissance, in order to break through the imprisonment of thoughts, the Italians aspiring to classical culture thought that this goddess rising from the sea was the messenger of a new era. She brought the beauty to the world.
The painter arranged Venus in a very quiet place and took the tranquil and slight blue waves of the sea as the background. Venus stood gloomily on the shell which was the symbol of her birth. She looked like delicate and lacked confidence and enthusiasm of the world. It told the audiences that the goddess had not full confidence in the future. On the contrary, she was full of melancholy. The image of Venus reflected the artists' panic and anxiety of the real life in a certain extent. The image of Venus in the ancient Greek was an adult when born from the sea, in other words, she was a pretty girl when she was born. Although the Venus in this painting imitated the classical Greek statue, but the style was all innovative and emphasized beautiful and pure.
According to the description of Greek mythology, Venus was born as adult. She didn't experience the babyhood and the process of imperfect, she was born flawless. Apparently, the painter wanted to represent the perfect image. But if we go back and have a close-up view of this work, we can find that the stupefied, dull and confused expressions in her eyes reveal a pure childishness. The image with adult body and childlike eyes not only reflects the painter's advocating on the classical art of Greek and Roman but also reflects his craving for neo-Platonism.
But just because of his advocating and craving, his work was not limited to the sensory aesthetic temptation. Through the meditation on beauty purified the spiritual world of peoples' and sublimated their souls.
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